We are treading back lightly into the school arena. I thought we could take off until Christmas. We even started back early in the summer so we would be able to break when Geb and Abri arrived. However, I have realized that I cannot stand the chaos. Five kids without anything in particular to do and freezing weather outside is a recipe for insanity!!!! So we pulled all the school books out today and got back into the grind. I'm singing a happy tune and everyone else is a bit bummed. Actually there is one very happy student....

Actually, the boys are really great students, and as their teacher, I have nothing to complain about. When people say, "How in the world can you teach your own children?!?!" I can answer honestly, "There is nothing in the whole world I would rather be doing."

One student could use a little discipline, though. Every teacher has to have one of these kind in her class and homeschool teachers aren't excluded. He complained that the kitchen was just too hard a place for him to concentrate and asked if he could go to my room to do his work. This is what I found when I went down the hall to check on my little angel, Kellen...

Maybe this is some kind of physics experiment that he and Geb are working on!