Monday, August 24, 2009

Lowering the Bar...or not?

I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about the house situation and the conversation was something like this...

Friend: "What do you think is the minimum that you have to get done before you bring the kids home?"

Me: "I don't know. I've lowered the bar so many times, I just don't know anymore. It's starting to sink in that the bar is nowhere close to being as low as it will need to go."

Later that evening I was laying in bed feeling very sorry for myself. In all my dreams and plans of adopting kids (dreams that go back to the age of 13), this scenario never entered my mind.

The next day we had a storm that knocked out our power. It was off for most of the day before a crew came to fix it. I must admit, it wasn't a fun day. We were having to run power tools off generators and I became the refrigerator nazi..."don't open that door or you'll let all the cold air out!!!" The problem ended up being a blown transformer that runs directly to our house, so the crew had to replace it. Since they saw that we were in the middle of a huge construction project they asked if we wanted them to upgrade the transformer. This was something we were going to have to pay for later on, but since it was related to an outage it would be free. As the boys and I watched the man up in the lift working on the line they asked me what he was doing. I related the whole story to them and this was Preston's response.

"Oh, so what we thought was something bad, it was actually God's plan to give us something good!!! Isn't that right, Mommy?"

"Yes, Preston." I said, as my throat got tight and tears stung my eyes. Immediately my mind went back to my pity party the night before. Why can my 7 yr old see so easily what I couldn't see? From my perspective, having to learn what I can actually live without is "lowering the bar". But from God's perspective, maybe it's actually raising the bar.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere!! That Preston is a keeper!

  2. Out of the mouths of babes.....thank the Lord for their simple, clear faith. You're in my thoughts and prayers, Stace!! Kick it!!

