Paul here. Today, we eagerly waited for news concerning Nardos’s TB test results while getting Stacey and Nahom packed and ready for homeward travel alone. For if the test returned negative, we could return home soon. Otherwise, it would be more waiting for processing the necessary waiver paperwork for approval to travel from the CDC and DHS. Well… we finally did hear some word earlier this evening… both good and not-so-good news, as has been the pattern all week. The good news is that the test did return negative, but unfortunately the people who understand the rules which have recently changed are not reachable… and those making decisions for now are indicating that we must wait longer for completion of other test results. Our adoption agency is working hard to do all they can to explain and pull strings where they can. Bottom line though is that we wait to know more after tomorrow… one day at time.
Seven days ago when entering the country, these were not the plans we anticipated, but it obviously is the provision that God has made. Whether we can explain and understand it or not doesn’t change God’s hand in it. I must confess, however, while I do believe, I still struggle to say this without some question and doubt. God help my unbelief.
Hopefully, Nardos will be issued a visa and cleared for travel in a couple of days.
We did reschedule our flight in anticipation that we can leave out on the next flight, which is early early Thursday morning. Until then, Nardos and I will be hanging out in Ethiopia learning each others language while bonding as father and daughter. Having only experience with boys until now, I must say it is a bit odd, but in a very beautiful way. However, she does like to be tossed high in the air, so she’ll fit into the McKee clan just fine.
Paul here again.
It's amazing how quickly children learn... and also parents of children who don't yet speak the same language. Both Nardos and Nahom already call us "mommy" and "daddy". And Stacey and I now understand Amharic for "tee tee" and "poo poo"... so it's all down hill for here... no? It is incredible how the children can parrot almost anything... and Nardos is showing great memory as her English vocabulary is rapidly growing. The really cool thing, however, is the way Nardos passes her learning on down to her brother. I think in her mind, she is more like his mother than his sister.
We have just returned from our interview with Tekleheimenot, the children’s birth father. Words are not adequate to describe it and the effect it had on us. Tekleheimenot is an incredible man who has a truly unselfish love for his children. He is sacrificing his own self for the betterment of his children.
Although I had my doubts about this meeting and the children seeing their father again, I think it will be something that will bless them for the rest of their lives. We were able to able to video a message from him to the children. He spoke first in English, then in Amharic (the national language), and then in Tigrai (their tribal language). We will be able to show it to them when they are older.
We spent about two hours with him. The children ran around playing running between the three of us like it was a playdate. When it was time for us to leave, he explained to Nardos that we were her new family and he wanted her to go to America with us. This was very difficult for her, but when he handed her to me she just wrapped her arms around my neck and cried. I held her all the way home and by the time we arrived back at the guest house she had fallen asleep in my arms and Nahom at my side.
All the Gladney adoptive parents went on an outing to visit some of the government orphanages. I decided to stay here since the children were still sleeping. I am so glad I did. The first thing I heard from the other room a few moments ago was…”Mommy? Mommy?” Nardos was awake.
We are trying to prepare logistically for flying home separately. This is a daunting task. I must admit the prospect of flying home alone with a 2 ½ year old with quite a temper makes me want to go crawl in a hole. However, I keep telling myself…”this too shall pass” The plane ride can’t last forever, even if it feels like it! We are still praying that miraculously Nardos’s test will come back negative in time for us to all leave Monday night. But it would truly have to be a miracle. Several government agencies (both American and Ethiopian) would have to do things very quickly and efficiently and even ahead of schedule. So you see what I mean when I say “miraculous”.
Thank you for your prayers and interest in our family. We can’t wait to all be home again!
The other big news is not so good. We have really run into a snag with Nardos’s TB test. It’s too complicated to explain because I don’t really understand. We get different information from each official we talk to. But what it boils down to is that they won’t issue a visa to Nardos yet. We have to wait until the test results come back. They won’t be ready until Tuesday. Unfortunately our flight is Monday night. So Nahom and I will be flying home alone on Monday. If the test results are negative then she and Paul will catch the next flight probably on Thursday. If they are positive then we have to apply for a medical waiver. This is just a formality but it takes about two weeks to process. In that case, they will be staying until then. Obviously we are praying that the test returns negative. Please pray with us. I’ll keep you updated, but we probably won’t hear anything new until next Tuesday.
Other than that we are having a fabulous time. Ethiopia is an amazing country. We hope to capture as much of it as possible for the children. They definitely have great reason to be proud of their country. We are in love with it!!!
Receiving them home...
The process of adoption became complete Monday as we received our children, Nardos and Nahom, into our arms. It was a nervous, highly anticipated moment as they rounded the corner of the orphanage to see us in the flesh for the first time. At first, they were hesitant, but continued slowly approaching. As their eyes began to light up, their approach quickened, then suddenly they broke into a dash to close the remaining distance between us to leap freely into our arms. Our union with their little arms wrapped tightly around us with our hearts pressed together as one was truly a heavenly moment… one that I will never forget.
Reflecting on this experience causes me to wonder if this could be similar to how God anticipates and will feel on the day He sends Jesus to call and receive us home. When God opens our hearts to his saving grace, trust begins to grow from the seed of faith that God plants, waters, cultivates, and harvests. How amazing for me to think that God could feel this way about me: To pursue, call, and embrace me as his own… to adopt me as an heir with Christ into God’s family… to see me waiver in my approach, but finally jump freely and wholly into his arms without reserve… to receive me home as his own… it is truly a heavenly moment.
Today didn’t go quite as planned. But what else would you expect from our adventure. We were supposed to get the children this morning. However, that has been delayed until Thursday morning. There are some issues with Nardos’s TB tests. She is having to undergo more tests that require sticking a tube down her nose every night that she has to sleep in. The Gladney staff would rather her not associate this trauma with us. There is a small chance we will have to delay our return waiting on test results. We had a couple of meetings with doctors today and it now seems that the decision rests with the American Embassy on Thursday.
On a brighter note, we were able to go the foster care center and meet Nardos and Nahom. It was an incredible experience. They are so beautiful. When they were brought outside to meet us, Nardos came running into my (Stacey) arms. She hugged me so tightly and didn’t want to let go. Nahom then followed suit, not wanting to be left out, and ran to Paul. They were full of smiles and sweet kisses. We just basked in their presence. We played outside on the lawn for about an hour and then went to see the other children. Our driver then explained to them that we would be back in the morning. Hopefully we will get to spend the entire day with them tomorrow before taking them back in the evening for her procedure.
Please continue to pray with us about the meeting on Friday with their birth father. We learned that at their last meeting Nardos was begging him not to leave her again and promising not to eat as much. She really thinks she has done something bad to make him leave her. You can imagine how heartbreaking this is. Pray that God comforts her in the way that only He can do. Also, pray that Nardos does not have TB. She is showing no symptoms and so the doctors were encouraged by that, but there does appear to be something showing on her chest X-ray.
We’ll update you more as we get more info.
Enjoy the pics!
It's a whirlwind of activity...travel, immigration documents, arrangements for the boys, and throw in a little more remodeling!
We couldn't be happier!!!!
kitchen after