Wednesday, November 18, 2009

1/2 Home

It's 5:30am. Geb Nahom and I have been up since 3:00. Isn't jet lag great? I am so grateful to be home it is indescribable. I won't talk much about the trip home. Some things are just too horrible to retell. Just imagine a 24 hour jouney with a sleep deprived totally untrained/undisciplined 2 1/2 yr old in a completely confined environment. Enough said!

I am still waiting to hear final word from Paul and Abri Nardos. We're not sure whether or not they will be able to travel. Please pray for them. It is very hard for Abri to be separated from us after all she has been through this week.

I owe a huge thank you to Shirley and my parents. When I arrived, the house was spotless, the laundry done, and the refrigerator full! What more could a girl ask for?

Kellen went home with my parents. He was a little sad, but I think it's for the best. We are so wiped out, I knew he would have more fun there. After Mom and Dad left with him, I just crashed. Hayden and Preston entertained, fed and bathed Geb and got him ready for bed. I got back up long enough to tuck him in. They are awesome. I am so proud of them and grateful for them. I look at my family now and am so overwhelmed by God's goodness to me. Now I just pray for the safe and rapid return of the rest of us!

1 comment:

  1. yay!! God is good!! i miss you and can't wait for you to get a free moment to tell me all about your trip!! i know that will be in like 18 years, but i can wait!!!!!
