Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time to Kick

Ever been watching a race and heard an announcer comment

He better start his kick or he'll never catch up?

She started her kick too early and ran out of gas.

Does this guy have any kick left in him?

Well, Paul and I have often referred to this whole remodeling ordeal as a marathon. So the other night after we got the call that court date for our adoption in Ethiopia had been scheduled for October 5th, I said to Paul, "Well, I guess it's time to start our kick."

And he responded, "Yeah, only it's too bad that we've only just passed the first water station."

I'm not actually a runner, but I think that means it's not lookin' so good! However, kicking we are. I have seriously, seriously never worked so hard in my whole life. (That could be a commentary on my pathetic previous work experience.) In the past few weeks I have painted, hung insulation, run wires, laid tile, grouted, demolitioned walls, operated a jack hammer, saw, drill and various other tools whose names all seem similar (how many different types of saws and screwdrivers do we really need).

So although I know it's time to start my kick. It seems that my beeehind is the only thing really getting kicked around here.

Here's to hoping I make it to the finish line!


  1. you are amazing and talented! what a catch paul made when he married you!

  2. Looking forward to keeping in touch, Stacey! I'm your first disciple!

  3. Cute post! I can't believe you are blogging! I won't say "I told you so." Can't wait to read your posts and see more pics of these adorable children.
