Today was the first day of our homeschool co-op. It's once a week and the each kid gets to take 3 classes there. Preschool stays in the same room the whole time, so now that Kellen is in kindergarten he got to choose classes like "the boys". I can guarantee there was not a more excited kid in Texas this morning than Mr. Kellen. For him, this was really his first day of kindergarten.

One of the classes that he gets to take is karate. I know, I know, Kellen is already close to being a lethal weapon, but he's lookin for a little edge over "the boys". Actually he's been practicing on just about everyone. So with that in the forefront of my mine this morning I warned him that if the teacher caught him karate chopping other kids he would be thrown out of class for the rest of the year. I gave him the eye and tried to impress upon him how important this was. Well, we have about a 30 minute ride to school, during which Kellen is very quiet. When we get there and I turn around to tell him to hop out, I see huge tears in his eyes.
"I just can't do it, Mom," he said.
Thinking he's shy about going in I say, "Kellen, you're a big boy. You'll be fine."
"No, Mom. I won't be able to control my karate chopping. I just know I'm gonna be kicked out for the WHOLE YEAR!"
So we say a quick prayer asking God to control Kellen's powerful hands and he ran off somewhat comforted.
God was faithful. Kellen made it through the day without being expelled. According to him "karate was AWESOME, we learned how to stand with our hands at our sides!!!" I've tried to teach him that for years and he NEVER thought it was awesome. I've got to learn her secret.
"You want to know the most important thing I learned today?" Kellen asked.
"Of course", I said waiting to hear what wisdom he is gleaning from his teachers.
"Now that I'm in kindergarten, I've got to take care of my peeing business at home!"
Not sure exactly what the teacher said, but she made a believer out of him and he held it until 12:30 when school was out!
So that was our first day. Hayden was most concerned about being Mr. Cool. He tried on two different outfits before we left! Preston had to stay home. He decided it was a good time to come down with strep throat. Seeing as we are supposed to leave for a reunion in Arkansas tommorow, why not?
I'm just glad there is only one "first day"!
this made me laugh! Sorry Preston is sick...you guys have fun in Arkansas!
ReplyDeleteI think Kellen is showing his expertise is sorting out the parts of school that need to be remembered and the ones that aren't so important!